Many of the most successful online businesses are heavily into social media as a way to
boost traffic and to build relationships with new and prospective customers. With Facebook being the largest of all social media sites, it is wise to get your business a presence.
Facebook realized that businesses have unique needs that are very different from individual users and that is what led them to create a unique type of pages within their social media platform. These pages are known as Business Fan Pages. Facebook establish a very easy to follow procedure to that will have your Fan Page set up in no time.
Once your Facebook Fan Page is active on the site it is up to you to promote it and drive traffic to it and convert them into customers.
Tips on optimizing your Fan Page
In order to stand out from your competitors that are probably also using a Facebook Fan Page of their own, you need to have an edge. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to optimize your page. The following are three things that you can do with your Fan Page to optimize it for best performance.
Customizable Profile Image
Branding is very is a very important part of promoting your business online. It is how your visitors get to know and trust your business. Be sure any images you use to represent your business show it in the best light possible. The Facebook Fan Page Profile image can be optimized in order to load fast.
By sizing it to meet the requirement of Facebook will ensure that it is the right size. According to Facebook it should be 180 pixel x 180 pixel and it recommends that you use an official company logo if possible.
Customizable Cover Image
The cover image on your business Fan Page is the first thing your visitors will see and it needs to be a reflection of your business. It should pop with color and just the right amount of text, no more than 20 percent of the image should be simple text.
To ensure that it is the correct size, Facebook says it should be no larger than 851 pixel x 315 pixels. To be sure that your page loads as quick as possible, you will want to use only JPG files and the file size should be no larger than 100kb.
The most successful business Fan Pages on Facebook are the ones that figured out how to make their profile image and their cover image work together. It makes much more sense that the two images do not clash. Instead they should complement each other in an eye pleasing way.
Optimize page content
How your content is placed on your Fan Page is very important and it will set the tone for how well it converts visitors into customers. Keep your page as simple as possible with clear and concise text and image placement is also important. Remember your Fan Page is a good way to highlight special events for your business.
Hopefully you were able to find some good, usable information inside this article and use it to enhance your current business Facebook Fan Page.
Sarwar Abdullah is a co-founder at VATASK. He is a software engineer. Follow him on Twitter @maasarwar