WordPress is built with a ton of great SEO features, but sometimes you just need to go that extra mile to make sure your website is as search engine friendly as possible. Today we’ll be reviewing the all-in-one SEO plugin. This plugin is widely considered the best SEO tool for any blogger to have, and I have to personally agree (and so do the other 2 million people who downloaded it so far). Below we’ll look over some of the benefits of this SEO plugin for wordpress and also some of the drawbacks of the plugin.
You can view more information about the plugin (and download) here.
Benefits of All In One SEO plugin
- Built in meta tag insertion into your blogs header
- Automatically optimizes your title tags for search engines
- On individual articles you can override your title and meta tag settings
- Stop duplicate content by stopping the search engines from crawling specific areas of your blog
- For wordpress 2.7.1 and newer, it works right out of the box without needing to adjust any settings
Drawbacks of the All In One SEO plugin
In my honest opinion, I do not think there are any. I do think it would be really awesome if the plugin could eventually work in a way to override peoples post title tags so they’re not using H1 tags too many times and set it so it makes themes more SEO friendly, but I understand that this is a bit of a big dream. We can all wish though can’t we?
Final Thoughts
ALL IN ONE SEO plugin is amazing and is a must have for ANY wordpress blog. If you don’t have it, make sure you go download it now.
If you have a plugin (or even a type of plugin) you’d like to see reviewed, just shoot us a comment and let us know)
Sarwar Abdullah is a co-founder at VATASK. He is a software engineer. Follow him on Twitter @maasarwar